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Monday, February 8, 2010

The Law of Attraction

“A Thought Emotionalized becomes magnetized.”- The Secret (Movie Documentary)

There are natural laws that govern the universe that science has discovered and some of which you are familiar with. These laws are immutable. Just look up into the heavens and be amazed at the perfect precision at which the planetary body revolves around the sun on its path of orbit and one can’t help to wonder that this has been going on for so many thousands of years now since man existed; nothing has changed their movements ever since. Sometimes we are so busy pursuing what we believe life is all about that we become ignorant or unconscious of the fact that we are here and alive because these laws allow our existence to be possible. Without the law of gravity, everything on earth and the universe will not exist. Without the Laws of the speed of light and the speed of sound your eyes and ears will be of no use to you. The speed of light enables you to see people and objects so that your mind can calculate the exact distance it is or they are from your reach. As a matter of fact, the speed of light is enabling you to read these very words right now. The speed of sound enables your hearing senses to make out the exact words that your friend is speaking to you or the music that you love listening to. These natural laws also govern the growth of plants, the being of animals and the production of mineral ores beneath the earth’s crust.

Humans are the epitome of God’s creation and just as there are external laws that guarantee our existence, there are also internal laws that govern how we live our lives as well. But before I go into discussing one such internal law, let us go back in time to see how these laws came into being. For science has argued and have come to a conclusion that these universal laws have to be a result of an Intelligent Being greater from which these laws came forth. Religion believes it to be the works of God to which there can be no argument against. BUT DO YOU REALLY “KNOW” how God established these laws or did you just hear your pastor or religion preach it to you? If you want to know where exactly and how it all began than let us go back to the very beginning, in the Book of Genesis. NOW, THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS TREATISE, so I will kindly urge you to let down your mental barriers and perceptions towards the Bible for it is NOT a religious book as religion has confined it to for over 2000 years now. This Book holds the secret keys to life. This Book is for YOU, for you cannot function to your fullest potential without KNOWING how you are supposed to function.
In Genesis chapter one and verse two, we see that the earth was without form, and void and darkness was over the face of the deep, other translations were written as the earth was in chaos… Now this tells us that there was no order in creation. But watch what happens in verses three… Then God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light. Now there are two words that we need to point out here to give us a clear understanding; the word darkness and the word light. The original Greek and Hebrew translations of the word darkness also means without knowledge or ignorance and light can also mean wisdom or knowledge. Where there is an absence of knowledge or absence of law or the presence of ignorance, you will always find chaos and confusion and disorder. Where there is the presence of knowledge, wisdom or law you will always find perfect order and peace. Now the ensuing verses of Genesis chapter one tells us the story of creation itself, on the earth and in the heavens or universe. Now you need to really understand and grasp it if you must that the act of God speaking creation into form and into perfect order is not just an act of creation but the very WORDS He spoke was and is LAW that came forth to govern that which it was meant for. For He Himself said, the words that I speak are spirit and they are life and the words that go forth out of my mouth shall not return to me void but shall go forth and accomplish its purpose to which it was sent. His Words are Laws, immutable Laws.

Now what is this internal law that governs our being, I am sure you might be wondering by now. This Law governs the world of thoughts. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap”; “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” These may be just words to you but they are immutable laws or principles that govern your being. “So within, so without”. This Law is called THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.
Man becomes what he thinks about the most. A thought emotionalized becomes magnetized. Your mind which is also known as your heart is likened to a fertile soil and your thoughts is likened to a seed. What you entertain in your mind most of the time and applying the fertilizer of emotions onto it, gives birth to its manifestation in your external world in the form of circumstances and situations. If one entertains thoughts of anger and hatred all the time, non stop, 24/7 and soon he feels it in every part of his being, he will seem to attract negative angry people and get into fights more often. If one thinks thoughts of prosperity (in any area of life) and feels it in every path of his or her being, constantly by applying his or her will to it, will soon attract prosperity into his or her life. You may not be aware of it but the situations you have attracted into your life or what situation you are now in is or are just the residual effects of your past, prolonged-chronic thoughts, emotions and actions. So with the knowledge of the existence of this law tells us that we should be more careful with how we apply our thoughts and apply it with purpose. We even have a local saying that goes “Tingting bai kilim yu” which is so true. If you think worry and illness, your body will manifest the symptoms of this chronic negative thinking. If you think health and wellbeing, your body manifests it as well. So apply your thoughts with purpose; take care of it and it will take care of you for it is your own personal genie that grants your wishes come true.
There is a movie documentary that is hitting the world by storm in the area of personal development that introduces this Law of Attraction. It is titled, The Secret by the author Rhonda Byrne. For the first time in history, leading scientists, authors, philosophers, multimillionaires and entrepreneurs have come together to reveal the secret that utterly transformed their lives and the lives of those who lived it… Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein.

Thank you very much for your time and interest in seeking more knowledge on the power that lies within you; the power of your MIND.

Remember to Dare Think Different!!

Below is a preview of the movie The Secret.

The Secret: 1st 20 minutes